Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag I guess I'm it?!

Ok I am supposed to write 7 things you may not know about me....oooh tough one seeing as most of the people who read my blog (that I'm aware of) know a lot about me, heck I grew up and was birthed by most of them lol, well only one birthed me but yeah . . . . Anywho . . . .

1. Growing up I was really Shy . . . I know hard to believe but apparently according to my mom it bordered on being rude because I wouldn't talk to anyone. I would hide behind my parents and not talk. It wasn't until High School that I kind of came out of my proverbial "shell."

2. I love to draw, in fact I drew a mural on my bedroom wall in the last house we lived in, in Canada. It was one of the selling points of our house at the time, there was a little girl who loved it and wanted it for her room. It was disney characters and my dad allowed me to paint it when he discovered I had drawn on the wall and was actually quite good.

3. I was Frenchy in my High School Musical's version of Grease. I switched off nights with another girl and my mom was the hairdresser for our production and she made a pink wig for me. I had teased hair and actually smoked herbal cigarettes for acting purposes of course.

4. I took 3 years of Japanese in high school. Now don't get me wrong I am far from fluent, I actually understand more then I speak. Its fun to understand some when people are talking in front of me too. I remember at one point, my cousin Jeremy married a Japanese woman and forgot I wasn't Japanese and asked me what time it was in Japanese and I answered her in English. The reaction was quite funny "Hey Shoko you know you just asked me what the time was in Japanese right?" "oh I did?! woops, and you understood me?" "yep I am learning it in school".

5. I love to Jive! I know #3 made it a lot easier to learn how to Jive Dance but I am afraid I'm not as light on my feet as I used to be. I went on a couple dates with a guy named Ben who took me to a little club downtown in Olympia that had Jive Dancing and it was for all ages no drinking once a week. I went on a date with him one night and by the end he thought I was going to die because I get overheated really easily, my face gets red but it was a blast! Unfortunately my husband is a good dancer but not as coordinated enough to learn to Jive. We'll stick to techno music and rave dancing lol.

6. My mom pretty much picked out my husband. Now I know what you're thinking, how is this possible? Yes its true AND he served his mission in Canada but not where I am from so we met here in Olympia. My mom will deny this up and down and claims she doesn't remember this but I swear to you every time she'd come home she would tell me she saw him at an activity and that I would really like him, he's totally my type yada yada. He had just gotten off his mission and was 4 1/2 years older then me, I was 18, and anyone my mom picked out of course was not my type. I saw him at church while sitting next to my mom on the couch and told her I thought that guy was cute and her reaction was "THATS Spencer Beard!" we met and the rest is history.

7. I have a birth mark on my shoulder that is in the shape of an "S." My older sister noticed it and pointed it out to me. I joke that my freckles are trying to spell out my name and just haven't finished yet. Spencer says I was branded for him apparently. Either way its a weird coincidence/ oddity.

An actual picture of my birthmark weird no?

Ok TAG, Mom, Chelsea M, and Jenny B you're it!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ahhh the joys of hormones . . .

I'm sitting here by myself and Gavin is napping. Spencer has the day off and went over to a buddy's house to hang out for a bit and I'm so fricken tired! You know how when you're tired you get that either really giddy past tired laugh or even the everything makes you cry thing? I think I'm there. It may help that I'm 8 months pregnant and the combination is lethal when it comes to emotionally holding it together.

So I decided to read my mom's blog (warning incoming tear fest from me). It doesn't take much on my mom's blog to get me crying, same with my sister in law Shelley's bless their hearts. But get this, my mom's latest blog isn't even cry worthy, in fact its quite cute and funny, and what am I doing? Blubbering like my closest friend has died or something. What the hey? I would say I'm past tired and so ready to be done with crazy hormones. I think that's why Spencer ran away to his friend's house because he needed a break from the overflowing emotions I am dealing with lol. I find myself wining so much lately about every ache and pain and I started crying earlier and apologizing to Spencer for my wining because nobody should have to listen to me 24/7 and he does without complaint, what a good man I've got.

Its amazing to me what us women have to go through to have a baby, not to single myself out but my situation especially just makes me apreciate my babies so much more I think. I usually tell people that "my children are pains in my butt, literally" because of the shots I have to have in my butt until I'm out of the first trimester. I'm sure others have it a whole lot worse but it kind of sucks. My mom said this baby boy is going to be bigger I think, which I think is the truth, I don't really remember Gavin taking up every inch of my stomach like Rowan has, in that case maybe the natural aproach just won't be happening, we'll see how I feel when it comes to being in labor. I am the QUEEN of hormones though, just ask my sisters. You know when you grow up with 3 sisters and when asked who's the worst PMSer they all point a finger at me that its pretty bad, I even say I am too, which is funny because personally I think I am the most mellow when I'm pregnant, my hormones seem to be fully balanced and mood swings are less then when I'm not pregnant . . . . so so sad. My sister's favorite example of this is when I was a teenager and was having a particularly hormonal day, I think Erin or Shannon told a blonde joke and I exploded at them, it wasn't meant to be pointed at me but I took total offense and started crying. I blubbered "nobody ever tells a brunette joke about you, why do they always tell blonde jokes about me?" They stopped me and said look at what you're doing Stephanie, and I started laughing and then I got mad and then back to crying. It was your classic crazy multiple personality mood swings. To this day I can never live that down. But I am tired, like a lot of moms out there that are either about to have a new baby or have a new one it makes it very hard to sleep. Once he is out I am sure I will sleep a little bit more comfortably but not really much more then I am at the moment. I guess I need to start getting used to it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin patch . . . Apple cider = Bees!

We decided a week or so ago to go to the pumpkin patch at Lattin's Cider Mill. This is my favorite place to go when fall hits and they have the most amazing Hot Apple Cider and Apple Fritters ever! They make both fresh and I had to have some before we headed out to pick our pumpkin from the patch. Little did I know . . . Bees like cider?! We walked down to the goats and other animals first and I seriously got dive bombed and attacked left and right by stinkin bees! They weren't just being pesky they were seriously attacking my cider like it was their treasure and I had stolen it. I finally got to the point where I was clear of bees or wasps and we went down to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin to bring home. We headed back to pay for it and I got attacked again! They buzzed next to my ears and attempted to assault my cider again. It just about drove me nuts! Despite the bees though we had a great time at the mill. Gavin was super tired because we decided to go right around nap time and crabbiness insued as you can see from the pics. I am sure we'll make a few more trips up there before halloween to get more fritters and apple cider, I wonder if they have a bee repellant though? I'll have to look into that. Who knew? Here's a few pics.

Spencer felt the need to compare the size of my belly to a pumpkin lol, I'm not that big!

Gavin Falling Asleep

8 Month Pregnant and feeling huge!

Trying to convince Gavin the little pumpkin is cool and he should take his picture with it

Spencer makes a final attempt but Gavin is fed up and ready for his nap. Poor guy!

First thing out of his mouth . . . .

For those of you who intimately know my son, he speaks his own language. I don't know where it came from or how but he has invented his own language and jabbers away like we know what he is saying, I say he's evolved past English and feels his language is better. Most recently I have noticed more and more words and little sentences in English getting added to his vocabulary. My favorite is when the phone rings and he shouts "Chesh, PHONE!" or "Shan! Phone" (my parents version of an intercom when the phone is for someone is to shout across the house). Feel pleased Auntie Chelsea that he does know your name in your absence and thinks the phone is for you. A few new additions though are Thomas related and quite funny, last night he started saying Duncan but he thinks Toby is Duncan and there's no convincing him otherwise (I made the mistake of calling it that by mistake). He also every once in a while mixes my nephews Austen and Tanner's names up, in fact he used to call both of them Austen until I insisted that that's Tanner not Austen and finally convinced him. I know these are small but to me when new english comes out its a victory seeing as for a long time he would solely speak in "Gavinese." Now to the title of this blog. I kid you not, this Thomas thing is becoming quite the obsession, last night we were at Grandma Murley's and she has the priviledge of having Auntie Shannon live with her and she has quite the collection of Thomas'. It always pleases me when Gavin doesn't want to leave somewhere because it means he loves being with someone either then me or Spencer. Last night we stayed up late for him, he's a bit of a night owl like us, he was playing away with Thomas and when we said it was time to go he yelled NO! and ran to hide by Granddad like "Granddad save me!" We finally wrestled the trains from his hands and got his jacket on and as we were headed out the door he was crying because he didn't want to leave. Every morning the first thing out of his mouth before anything is Thomas? and he gets to watch a video or two while eating breakfast. After that though I have to limit it because I will go crazy from hearing that theme song over and over and it'll get stuck in my head. What can I say there's worse things he could be obsessed with right?

Newest phrases learned from Thomas the Tank Engine:

*Ready? Set! Go!
*Toot Toot (many variations)
*What are you doing Thomas? Followed by OH NO!
*Re-enacting Thomas getting stuck in the snow and Terrence the tractor engine coming to save him. Very comical and accurate.
*Its a Thomas
*Look out Percy!
*Oh Sorry
*Thomas you alright?
*Duncan please help Thomas (newly heard this morning from the kitchen)
I'm sure there are more but they are mixed with Gavinese and sometimes I have to listen really hard to hear these, he's coming along though and we hope he catches up talking.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Obsession Yay!

This past week we discovered our son Gavin has a new love when we were at my mom's house. If you've read my sister Erin's blog, you'll see Evan my nephew who is 4 months older then Gavin is obsessed with the same thing, what can I say? They are definately similar and all boy! My older sister Shannon has two boys who at one point were in love with Thomas the Tank Engine and anything having to do with trains so their house is absolutely full of trains everywhere. Up until recently we had Erin's train table that she was so lucky to get when working at an educational toy store but its gone back to Canada with her because Evan is so in love. Shannon replaced it with her own that she purchased and has been lieing in wait under her bed, its not as cool but it is a close second to Erin's.

How the discovery of trains started:

We decided to go on a date night to the movies and my parents watched Gavin for the evening. When we came to pick him up he was sitting with Auntie Shannon watching Thomas and was so enthralled. Every day since then, when we went to their house he'd find a Thomas and make train whistle noises and sit for a long time playing with just trains. My sister said "you need to get that kid some trains, look at him!" My mom being the awesome Grandma that she is has a "Grandma Closet" and went searching to see what she could find and found a brand new train named Murdoch that he has preceded to take everywhere with him since he got it. We went to Costco the same day and I searched for anything Thomas and lo and behold! They just came out with a new 60 min video "Thomas and the Great Discovery" can you guess how many times we've watched this movie so far? I stopped counting. So we are starting to slowly feed his love for Thomas and trains because hey, there could be worse things to get obsessed with, at least this is educational.

Interesting facts about Thomas:

I used to watch Thomas when I was younger, that's how long its been on and it was called Shining Time Station for the purposes of the American version when I watched it. There was usually in the beginning a scene with real people in it and eventually some kids would call upon "Mister Conductor" which was a tiny little conductor from the island of Sodor who would precede to tell a story about Thomas and his friends. The list of men who have played "Mister Conductor" include the original which was Ringo Starr and George Carlin, after the station part of the show went away the Narrator of the stories has also included Alec Baldwin and now in the new movie is Pierce Brosnan. Included in the original cast and regulars of Shining Time Station were Didi Conn (also known as the original Frenchie from the Grease Movie), Lloyd Bridges (actor and father to Jeff and Beau Bridges), Rachel Miner (ex wife of actor McCauley Calkin) and the list goes on. Its interesting the small roles that actors take before they are super famous or are already famous and just want to take the role.

Thank you Auntie Shannon for your use of trains and everything to go with them, I am sure we will have a lot of train talk in this house for a while and I'm having another boy so I'm also pretty sure at one point he'll be in love with it too.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Ouch my ribs!

I will be 30 weeks on Sunday, and am finding it hard to breath from our unborn child sticking his feet up in my ribs and causing me to have a hard time breathing. I figure for the past week or so he's been stuck upside down (or at least I think he is) its hard to tell but I certainly get kicks and movements a lot up top of my belly. I can't cross my arms across my belly without getting a huge kick like "Mom stop squishing me!" It shocks me sometimes how hard he kicks. I didn't ever remember being this tired but its amazing how you forget. I think Heavenly Father does this so we will have more then one child. As much as I complain I think of those who haven't been able to experience and take in every kick with a smile and a reminder that yes mom I'm still here, alive and kickin (literally).

This pregnancy in comparison to Gavin's has gone super fast, in fact I can't believe I will only have 70 days on Sunday. With Gavin I was pregnant for like 2 years after the 3 miscarriages and his pregnancy added together so I was SO ready for him to come, I needed the end result after all that pain. This baby I don't feel as rushed and its going so fast. My cousin just had her baby a month early and I got a bit jealous but at the same time I think I can wait (I say this now but take my word for it toward the end I will be singing another tune) I want to go into labor on my own so I have a feeling I will be waiting a while. I was induced with Gavin and didn't like the experience of it and he probably couldn't "cooked" for longer after I saw he was only 7 lbs 3 ozs. I feel really reflective tonight probably because things have changed in the past few weeks drastically and it won't be long til I have two boys to take care of. My boys.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Job

Spencer started his orientation at his new job today. He has been out of work since the 12th of September and a good friend of ours found him a job working with developmentally disabled adults as their aid. Its interesting, the first few days he was home he just about drove me nuts and now that he's back at work all day I am kind of lost with nothing to do. Makes me realize how much he does for me and how much I enjoy his company.

Ok so I'm going to put this in writing and whoever reads this (if anyone does) needs to hold me to it because I have had the worst attitude in the past about it. I am going to get my license before this baby comes. I know I've said it for the past what? 5 or 6 years but I need to. Spencer is going to be working 12 hour days at this new job and I don't think I could stand staying at home that long by myself without being able to go somewhere. I have less than 11 weeks to do this so I'm on a time crunch before this baby gets here so bug me about it til I do it please!!!!

Ok with that said, I hope this goal actually happens. Deiter F. Uchtdorf in his talk at the Relief Society Broadcast said that some people's struggles are the fear of failure . . . . that's pretty much me every time I think about taking the driving test but I know I have to get over it and do it and will be so much happier when I do. Wish me luck in this goal.