We decided a week or so ago to go to the pumpkin patch at Lattin's Cider Mill. This is my favorite place to go when fall hits and they have the most amazing Hot Apple Cider and Apple Fritters ever! They make both fresh and I had to have some before we headed out to pick our pumpkin from the patch. Little did I know . . . Bees like cider?! We walked down to the goats and other animals first and I seriously got dive bombed and attacked left and right by stinkin bees! They weren't just being pesky they were seriously attacking my cider like it was their treasure and I had stolen it. I finally got to the point where I was clear of bees or wasps and we went down to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin to bring home. We headed back to pay for it and I got attacked again! They buzzed next to my ears and attempted to assault my cider again. It just about drove me nuts! Despite the bees though we had a great time at the mill. Gavin was super tired because we decided to go right around nap time and crabbiness insued as you can see from the pics. I am sure we'll make a few more trips up there before halloween to get more fritters and apple cider, I wonder if they have a bee repellant though? I'll have to look into that. Who knew? Here's a few pics.

Spencer felt the need to compare the size of my belly to a pumpkin lol, I'm not that big!

Gavin Falling Asleep

8 Month Pregnant and feeling huge! 
Trying to convince Gavin the little pumpkin is cool and he should take his picture with it

Spencer makes a final attempt but Gavin is fed up and ready for his nap. Poor guy!
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