Sunday, December 21, 2008

It doesn't show signs of stopping...

Last night we were snowed in at my mom's house. I had decided I wanted to hang out at their house because my little sister Chelsea was flying in and they were going to get her from the airport yesterday afternoon. They headed up there in the snow and ice and made it with a little difficulty to pick her up all the while I stayed at their house with the boys (Austen, Tanner, Gavin and Rowan) just to save them from having to take the van which has not so good brakes and Shannon's car has 4 wheel drive. It took them a while to get home but they made it safe and sound but the snow hasn't stopped since it started a couple days ago. Spencer worked until 8pm last night and when he finally arrived at their house we thought about it and decided to bunker down here for the night last night because the roads were scary and our parking lot in our apartments would've been insanely full of snow. At this point though it doesn't show signs of stopping and I hate to take over the bedroom upstairs again from Chelsea but I dunno if we are going home again tonight. We shall see what its like. We haven't seen snow like this in years, its beautiful but dangerous. As our favorite radio station calls it, its Winterocalypse 2008! Hope everyone else is safe and warm with this crazy weather, can't wait to go play in it tomorrow. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Two boys, no time or energy ugh!

Ok Ok I know i just had a baby like 2 weeks ago or so but I feel like the biggest slob in the world. First let me say I have no excuse because we got snow yesterday and I've been stuck in the house with the kids while Spencer works 12 hour days so I could've cleaned already and made the house look nice mostly so I feel better but I just have no energy or drive to do it. I wish I did! It seems it took me a week or so before the adrenaline from giving birth to wear off (don't know how this is possible) but now I'm exhausted! Part of my issue is I wish we still had our washer/dryer that the apartments make us rent. We really really can not afford to pay for one and can't really afford to buy one atm so laundry piles up and we can take it to parent's houses but it only lasts a couple days before its piling up again seeing as I have two sets of diapers to change and accident inevitably happen ie. Rowan is a quick draw and seems to pee on a couple sleepers, Gavin on the occasion will pee through (I need to potty train but also don't have the energy). So I look around at my messy living room, my disheveled bedroom and my downright ridiculous bathroom and am now determined something must be done! I am going to buck up and do some cleaning even if its only one room at a time as I have some energy it will be done! I mean that's one of my job descriptions as a stay at home mom right? I know I can hear you SAHMs laughing at me because I know your houses aren't perfect but sheesh you'd scream and run if you saw this place. So I resolve to have this place clean, I will post pics later if it actually happens because who doesn't want to show off a nice clean house? If it does happen then I will try and put up the christmas tree I'm a slacker there too, the key word is TRY. Ok off we go!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Welcome Rowan! (Labor story and pics)

I am sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while. Things have been busy since last December 4th when we finally welcomed Rowan Spencer Beard to our family. I have been busy trying to breastfeed and get used to having two boys instead of one, its been fairly busy and new but enjoyable so far. Rowan is very mild mannered and so far a happy and healthy boy. Gavin is adjusting to having his little brother here, he is as in love with him as Spencer and I which makes me happy. So about 4 days before the event happened my older sister who is a professional photographer was in town and snuck in some beautiful maternity shots of my max size before he was born that I would share a few of. She already posted a few on her blog but I am so happy with them and figured I'd show how big I got before I shared my labor story. These were taken on November 29th.

So that was my max size, I felt huge but I'm so glad that I took these because pregnancy is so beautiful and I can show him later how I looked when I was pregnant with him. I wish now that I had some done with Gavin but I have some regular belly pics with him. Now on to my labor story. I woke up at 3:45am on Thursday December 4th and needed to go to the bathroom. I made it to the bathroom and almost to the toilet when SPLOOSH my water broke on the floor! I have been told and read that this only happens to about 15% of women so I couldn't believe it had happened! I called to Spencer that my water had broken and it was time. He woke out of a stupor and was all groggy and didn't believe me at first. We packed up what we needed of toiletries and the bag for Gavin and took him to my parent's house and headed to the hospital. All the while my contractions started to get worse and worse. When we arrived at the hospital I was checked and I was at 3 cms. They got me all set up in a room and I walked for about an hour in the halls. We came back to the room and I listened to music and danced some. I decided they were getting pretty painful so I wanted to get into the tub and see if it helped. It was lovely! Finally probably 3 or 4 hours later at about 9:00am the nurse came and checked me and I was at a 5 1/2 cm and decided I wanted to stay in bed and rest and watch tv. As the hours passed I asked Spencer when he thought the baby would be born and he predicted noonish. I progressed really fast, about a cm an hour and was in a good about of pain by 11:15am when the doctor arrived with his resident Dr. Nauft. Now I forgot to mention I had the best Nurse EVER! She told me when she first arrived that she would only listen to what I wanted and no matter what she would do what I wanted. At this point I was about 9 cms and almost dilated and in a lot of pain, the doctors wanted to check me with the next contraction and Tyrra my nurse said I wasn't ready and she'd let them know when I was ready to be checked. A couple more contractions and I guess my voice changed and she said I was ready. It hurt so much but luckily for me I had 5 minute breaks til the very end of everything so it was bareable. I can't say I didn't ask for the drugs in my IV but it was too late and they couldn't give me any. At that point I was ready to push and it didn't take long to get him out. 4 pushes and my beautiful boy was here! 7 lbs 12 ozs at 11:58am so Spencer was almost dead on for time. He is quite fair, blonde hair and we're unsure of his eye color but they are lighter then Gavin's ever were. Here's some pics from the hospital and since he was born. Welcome Baby Rowan!