So that was my max size, I felt huge but I'm so glad that I took these because pregnancy is so beautiful and I can show him later how I looked when I was pregnant with him. I wish now that I had some done with Gavin but I have some regular belly pics with him. Now on to my labor story. I woke up at 3:45am on Thursday December 4th and needed to go to the bathroom. I made it to the bathroom and almost to the toilet when SPLOOSH my water broke on the floor! I have been told and read that this only happens to about 15% of women so I couldn't believe it had happened! I called to Spencer that my water had broken and it was time. He woke out of a stupor and was all groggy and didn't believe me at first. We packed up what we needed of toiletries and the bag for Gavin and took him to my parent's house and headed to the hospital. All the while my contractions started to get worse and worse. When we arrived at the hospital I was checked and I was at 3 cms. They got me all set up in a room and I walked for about an hour in the halls. We came back to the room and I listened to music and danced some. I decided they were getting pretty painful so I wanted to get into the tub and see if it helped. It was lovely! Finally probably 3 or 4 hours later at about 9:00am the nurse came and checked me and I was at a 5 1/2 cm and decided I wanted to stay in bed and rest and watch tv. As the hours passed I asked Spencer when he thought the baby would be born and he predicted noonish. I progressed really fast, about a cm an hour and was in a good about of pain by 11:15am when the doctor arrived with his resident Dr. Nauft. Now I forgot to mention I had the best Nurse EVER! She told me when she first arrived that she would only listen to what I wanted and no matter what she would do what I wanted. At this point I was about 9 cms and almost dilated and in a lot of pain, the doctors wanted to check me with the next contraction and Tyrra my nurse said I wasn't ready and she'd let them know when I was ready to be checked. A couple more contractions and I guess my voice changed and she said I was ready. It hurt so much but luckily for me I had 5 minute breaks til the very end of everything so it was bareable. I can't say I didn't ask for the drugs in my IV but it was too late and they couldn't give me any. At that point I was ready to push and it didn't take long to get him out. 4 pushes and my beautiful boy was here! 7 lbs 12 ozs at 11:58am so Spencer was almost dead on for time. He is quite fair, blonde hair and we're unsure of his eye color but they are lighter then Gavin's ever were. Here's some pics from the hospital and since he was born. Welcome Baby Rowan!

Congratulations Stephanie!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for your family! He is so darling and already has more hair than Daniel (may ever have).
I love the picture of your whole family where Gavin is holding him. What a proud big brother!
Way to go pushing him out without any meds!! You're amazing!
Congratulations, you lived through it! Your tummy looked like you were having a 10 lb baby - thankfully he was much smaller. Relief. Merry Christmas :)
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