My sister in law pointed out in her last blog how its interesting how when we were teenagers there was no internet, or personal home computers (I know when dinosaurs romed the earth). I remember when we first got the computer and internet and that it had a timer on it because you paid for time not just the connection. We would get a warning that you have 15 mins before the internet would turn itself off. That has totally changed and pictures are all digital but the biggest problem we have is we don't develop any just keep adding and keeping them on the computer and sending them to people over the internet to keep people updated. I need to join a scrapbooking group that meets from my ward and get that taken care of as a goal we'll see if it happens. I've already started adding so many pics of Rowan and Gavin to our collection.
Rowan is already 10 lbs plus, almost a month old and getting chunky. My family was up in Canada for about a week and when they got back my mom asked to hold him and realized holy cow he's already getting so heavy! Here's some new pics of Rowan to show you his face is getting chubby and rolly even since a couple weeks ago. I guess mommy's milk is nice and fatty and is helping with that. Enjoy our little guy, he's still a really good baby and we're enjoying every moment of him still.

The Last pic was taken today so you can see the how chunky he is now.
I have to say he is cute and chunky especially compared to Logan who hardy gained any weight. Logan is now 19 lbs and 27 inches and 7 months old on the 6th. I can not wait to see him. Keep up with the pics. It is great to see them. Talk to you later.
What a cutie-pie!
It is crazy to think about how untechnical life was 10 years ago. Now I'm in YW and I feel like a dinosaur next to all text-crazy teenagers.
I have to get to work doing actual scrapbooking. It's hard to get motivated because it feels like a ginormous task. I am going to print my blog out in the form of a book, and that counts for something, right??
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