I know goofy title but I couldn't resist. Gavin has made the all too important step of using the POTTY! Woo hoo *Angels sing a chorus of Halleluah!* Oh wait that's only in my head. I am so happy and proud of my little man. We always call him Baby or Honey but he's no longer my little baby anymore, he's getting to be such a big boy. Along with this milestone his speech is picking up and he is getting to the age where things are "Mine, not yours" and "Hey gimme that" Boy is he gonna have a rude awakening in the next couple months when Rowan starts to sit up and be able to take away his toys. Sharing so far has been ok but when it hits that point oh I have a feeling the battle is on. We'll see. We're still working on the whole telling Mommy and Daddy when you have to go but so far if I take him every couple hours he doesn't have accidents anymore but still has yet to go dry for long periods at night. We'll get there. Yay Gavin! Going potty makes Mommy so happy, it means only one set of diapers to change now! Woo hoo!
bet you cant wait till he doesnt even have to wear diapers to bed,eh? time to spend that money on mama now!lol
Congratulations Gavin and to you, too! That is awesome.
Can't wait for future pics of them fighting over toys.
I want to take him in the woods bend him over a tree stump and buttfuck him hard till i bust a fat nut in his guts
You’re disgusting!
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