Rowan has had a bit of a cough lately but has been getting better and so I didn't think oh maybe I should wash my hands or be warey of germs. Big Mistake! Last night before bed I started to feel ill and my throat got super duper sore and I knew it was coming on.
Now kid sick or Husband/Grown Man sick is totally different then Mom Sick. I was pondering this over and I thought man Mom's just can't be "Just Sick".
Despite waking up and feeling so crummy I still have to get up Gavin and put him on the potty, get him dressed, feed him breakfast, get him entertained by a movie while I get Rowan up and feed him, which of course I can't just give him food . . . I AM his food. That is time consuming and when I'm done manage to get myself something to eat for breakfast (which didn't happen this morning). I try to rest but of course Gavin has discovered he can open the fridge door whenever and goes and brings me the jug of milk which means he wants a drink. Rowan is lieing on the floor doing floor time and precedes to start screaming because he wants up or to be sitting up. I get Gavin a drink and put the milk away and get Rowan his bumbo chair all the while I still haven't eaten. Put on another video and go to lie down on the couch and Gavin being in the throws of potty training still yells for me "Potty Mommy!" Get up, put him on the potty, finish with that, wash our hands. I manage after this to get a bagel with cream cheese all the while Gavin is trying to get my attention again. He wants his mister potato head from the closet. Get potato heads. Rowan starts crying again, he seems to be getting tired and hungry again, it can't be time for that again can it? Look at the clock its already past noon! Feed Rowan and put him down for his nap. Kick the cat out of the bedroom. Get Gavin some lunch which he gobbles up fast. Finally some quiet to rest or so I think . . . Gavin grabs a nasal aspirator and thinks its funny to suction my arms but it actually hurts when he pokes me with it. So I take it away and say don't do that. Melt Down! Gavin gets thrown in his room. Naptime for all. I lay down to get in a quick nap and the phone rings. Toll Free my best buddy. I don't answer . . . They call a second time! I answer and its a collection agency for someone who doesn't live here. Keep calling me I dare you! So I wait on hold to tell the person on the other line who doesn't speak english that Michael C Reckor doesn't live here and hasn't lived here for 3 years. Lay down again but can't sleep so I look around and there's laundry everywhere so I decide to throw in a load. Sit down to blog . . . And the day goes on. It boggles the mind how when everyone else is sick they get babied and coddled until they are feeling better and can get back to their normal responsibilities but the work of a mother is never done and we can't just stop and "Be Sick" or the world would stop turning and the household would go to pot. Today I say thank you to all the moms who keep the world turning despite being knocked over by sickness. Who would take care of everyone else when they were sick if a mom didn't do that job? No one that's who!
I finished this post and not 10 mins later Gavin comes up to me with blood dripping down his forehead. He had gotten in a scrap with the cat and guess who won? Scared me half to death! It was only a small scratch but it was bleeding enough to drip down his head. Add to the list *clean up blood off carpet and myself and bandage wounds from fight with cat* UGH!