Yesterday morning I got a phone call from Spencer at work. He said he was leaving there shortly and my heart flipped. Last time I got a phone call like that he had been put on suspension and eventually fired. I just about freaked! We just moved and he was doing great at his new job. I said what happened? Its not about work phew so what is wrong? "Well my heart started to beat a little faster then its supposed to and then the adrenaline kicked in and after the EMT came and checked me out, my heart rate was up to 130 BPM so I am going to go get checked out"
Of course my mind starts racing, what does this mean? Is the muscular dystrophy doing something to your heart? My mind is very much on panic mode at this point. He went to a clinic and they told him to go to the hospital to get checked out. By this point I'm in full blown "Oh crap am I gonna lose my husband mode" Scared out of my mind he calls me before being brought back to the room to be examined and that was the last I heard from him for 3 HOURS! Can you imagine the thoughts I was having at this point? I sat and prayed and called a couple friends and they distracted me and reassured me everything was going to be ok all the while I was freaking out. Spencer finally called me and said "I'm fine" What a sigh of relief phew! Nothing like a scare like that to make you realize how long its been since he's seen a doctor. Its time to go see the MD specialist and get checked out. Why does it always seem to be that when you have medical insurance you never use it but when you don't . . . . you need it. Murphy I hate your stinking law! Luckily for us there is a charity that will cover 1 hundred percent of the bills for yesterday and Spencer got the rest of the day off to relax and recover. Don't you ever scare me like that again!
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