Saturday, October 3, 2009

Could you please leave me alone?!

Not you readers but my stinkin crazy hormones. I find myself on a daily basis lately telling my hormones to chill out! I'm up, I'm down, I'm left and Right and can't seem to keep a stable mood lately. It's sad because the person I care about the most, my husband takes the brunt of it and still sticks around and loves me. I guess we've been married for this long that he's used to it but I wish he didn't have to deal with me sometimes. I swear the past week I've been the moodiest craziest person, yet I can't help myself sometimes. I try to stay home away from the world when these moods hit but that just makes things worse. I find myself being irrational, crying over the dumbest things or laughing at stuff that isn't that funny. I feel like I'm going insane. I wish I knew what to do.

I've been looking into herbs to try and help balance things lately but I know I shouldn't take anything unless I consult my doctor first. Only problem with that is I don't have health insurance. So what to do? I try to exercise every day to help my mood but since the weather has changed and gotten colder the motivation to keep it up is waning. I'm tired, and I hate being cold. I think part of the mood swings has been because of the season too. I think I have a touch of that seasonal mood disorder but who knows. All I know is I can't keep this up and feeling this way or I will probably go insane. I hope I can find something to help with this. I know I don't want to subject my husband to my craziness anymore. Sorry this is mostly a vent on how I'm feeling right now. I figured if i write it down maybe I can get a grip and change my mood. Thanks for reading.

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