To take your mind off your problems. Yesterday was a hard Sunday but good just the same. It was one of those Sundays where we didn't know what was going to happen with our job situation and I was having a really hard time praying for comfort for the hormones had taken over and I didn't know what to do. We were sitting there in Sacrament and it was like every talk was specifically for me. First talk was about prayer and how we need to put our will in line with the Lord's . . . I've been trying to do this for the past 10 days Spencer was suspended but then Saturday for some reason I couldn't hold it together anymore. Staying distracted in these situations helps a lot and we've had a lot of friends to help us (thanks guys we love you for this). I sat and cried a lot while the talk went on and Gavin was standing cradling his head in my lap. I just thought he was kind of sleepy and he's snuggly a lot so I didn't think anything of it. After the first talk I needed to go continue to cry and pray so the only place I could think of to go was to the mother's lounge where nobody would see me and I could still listen to the talks. As I left sacrament I passed Gavin along to my husband and I went. I blew my nose and the second talk started, the topic: The straight and narrow path and how our Heavenly Father is there for us to help us stay on it no matter what the situation. It was so hard to keep it together so I sat and cried some more. As I sat there my best friend Leahona who just had a baby 2 1/2 weeks ago came in to feed her daughter and we sat and talked. She mentioned that Gavin had fallen asleep on the bench in church which is really unlike him. I sat while she fed her daughter Iyla and they had the choir sing a song (don't remember what it was) but it was another thing specifically for me. Once sacrament was over I went and taught my class of 11/12 year olds and went to primary with our only 11 year old left. When we went to pick Gavin up he was still lethargic and laying on the nursery leader's shoulder. She said he's been really tired and even when we do singing time which he usually loves and talks all the way through he was quiet and almost falling asleep. I said to her that maybe he's going to grow and was having a sleepy day. When we got home Gavin had fallen asleep again and I checked his temperature and he was burning up. Can't believe I missed it til now! I checked his temp and it was 100.2 F so we gave him some tylenol and put him down for a nap seeing as he wasn't hungry and was already asleep. When he woke up he was all sweaty and Spencer thought maybe he had broken his fever. A couple hours later it was still up and so we kept him comfy and cared for him on the couch. Its really rare for Gavin to get sick so we were kind of stumped. He didn't want to eat anything but bread and water and sleep but only had the symptom of the fever. Before bed I gave him Tylenol and a luke warm bath to cool him and he seemed to be his old self in fact he didn't want to go to bed.
This morning on the flip side I woke up at 7am to go to the bathroom and I could hear him awake and making noises like he was really uncomfortable. I went in and he was up and checked his temp again and he was at 100.9 F. I preceded to take him downstairs and he drank a ton of water and threw a bit of it up. He was so hot! Poor guy. He lay on the couch wining and uncomfortable. He just rested, funny thing about him is his favorite toy is still to this day a spiderman teether stuffy I bought for him before he was born so he was snuggled up with his blanket and Spiderman watching Cars. I gave him another dose of medicine when he started to act really uncomfortable and he was a new man again except for when it wore off the fever was gone. Its a mystery what it was but I am hoping it was a 24 hour bug that he caught and nothing more. It was a good distraction from feeling sorry for myself and our situation just sad that he had to be sick and miserable to smarten me up and go into Mom mode to take care of him. Sometimes I feel like I need these reminders to say "Stephanie stop thinking about how bad your situation is and look for ways to help others." I'm glad you're feeling better buddy!

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