Ok so some of you may know that Spencer has been on suspension from his job for about 10 days for a stupid mistake he made at work pending whether they were going to fire him or not. We hadn't heard anything because of a different more serious incident at work (involving an employee going into his work with a gun and threatening people). Anyway we found out today that he's been terminated for this mistake. He feels relieved to finally know but pretty sad and depressed that it happened because of something he did. We are working with a few different friends and contacts on finding him another job. Luckily it couldn't have come at a better time with the holidays coming up and at least he'll be able to find something with how hard its been over the summer to find anything. He will be receiving 4 to 5 weeks of vacation pay in a lump sum check either this friday or next friday and so we'll be ok for that long until he can find another job and he's filed for unemployment but we were hoping that we could get your guys' help with prayers and fasting when its feasable. He's worked for Safeway for 8 years and its kind of sad that his loyalty didn't matter in this case but at this point we feel like its a new start and he can focus on getting out of his comfort zone and finding a job using his degree hopefully. I made cinnabons because I needed comfort food, I already did my crying and mourning of the loss and now we're looking forward and moving on now that we finally have some news. They were really good! Thanks for all your guys' support and hopefully he'll find a new job soon.

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