Saturday, October 3, 2009
Driver's License AKA the bane of my existance.
Could you please leave me alone?!
I've been looking into herbs to try and help balance things lately but I know I shouldn't take anything unless I consult my doctor first. Only problem with that is I don't have health insurance. So what to do? I try to exercise every day to help my mood but since the weather has changed and gotten colder the motivation to keep it up is waning. I'm tired, and I hate being cold. I think part of the mood swings has been because of the season too. I think I have a touch of that seasonal mood disorder but who knows. All I know is I can't keep this up and feeling this way or I will probably go insane. I hope I can find something to help with this. I know I don't want to subject my husband to my craziness anymore. Sorry this is mostly a vent on how I'm feeling right now. I figured if i write it down maybe I can get a grip and change my mood. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Milestone, the Big 50!

Saturday, August 1, 2009
I'm a slacker and IT'S BEEN HOT!
So we survived the last few days holed up in our apartment when the temperature reached a wopping 104 degrees! I called these days underwear days. Rowan was in his diaper all day, Gavin in his undies and me in my underwear too. Even with the air conditioner it was still pretty roasty once the sun hit the main windows in our place. Spencer was working long days at his client's house and was roasting with no air conditioning so they invented a way to stay cool by wetting washclothes and freezing them and then placing them on their heads. He brought me home ingredients for the best low fat/calorie fruit smoothies and that helped too. Now the temperature is gone down again and I'm really happy. I would rather be cold any day then HOT because when you're cold you just put on another layer. When you're hot there's not a whole you can do except maybe jump in a cold shower for a temporary fix. Hope everyone else is dealing with the heat well. Enjoy the sun!
Monday, June 8, 2009
6 months old!

And I had to share a picture of Rowan with sweet potatoes for the first time
Auntie Chelsea was feeding him (hence the mess lol)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"Mom Sick" AKA a Mother's Job is Never Done!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Husband of Mine! Don't Scare Me Like That!

Welcome to the Beard House
Here's the tour in pictures for you. Enjoy!

To your right is the Kitchen
Straight is the living room (a lot bigger then it looks)
Dining room
Bathroom Master Bedroom
And my favorite part Our Washer and Dryer!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Jonny Jump up you are now my new best friend!

Mommy Wow! I'm a Big Kid Now!

Let Sleeping Babe's Lie
The Big Move
On monday we went over to the old place and cleaned til we almost passed out and then cleaned some more. We finished that by about 3:30. I hate moving, like so much! But in the long run I believe we will be able to live in the new place a lot longer then the previous because our landlord isn't going to be jacking the price up by 150 bucks like our old place was. On Tuesday I was looking through unpacking boxes and wanted to make some hard boiled eggs (one of Gavin's favorites) and couldnt' find my pots anywhere it was driving me nuts. I finally thought "oh no, did we check the dishwasher?" I called up Spencer and told him what had happened and luckily we hadn't turned in the keys to the landlord yet. On his way home from work he checked and sure enough the dishwasher was FULL of dishes, ALL of my pots, my pampered chef jug, plates, cups and utensils. I am so glad we caught this before the keys got turned in or I would be looking for a whole new set of pots. We are so greatful for everyone who helped! Now to finish unpacking, the easy part in my opinion!
Rowan speaks! News Reports This as a Record in the Beard House. . .
I've been trying to capture this on video for a while but as soon as Rowan sees me he stops and knows he's going to get fed so I grabbed the camera this morning and just stuck it in the bassinet and so that's why his face is half cut off and it's really dark because I couldn't see the view finder and if I tried he'd stop because he saw me. Rowan has been doing this every time he's hungry since he was about 3 months old, he instantly took to saying Mama over and over until he gets fed. We think we're going to have an early talker on our hands which is kind of foreign seeing as Gavin didn't really speak english until well 3 months ago or so. We'll see though, they say the second takes to things faster then the first because they watch their older sibling/siblings and copy so here's hoping. I could use an early talker after the frustration of trying to figure out what Gavin was saying in "Gavinese" lol.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
All Aboard the Complain Train!
I had my good cry and boarded the complain train now I feel better, time to take a breath and plunge in, wish me luck! I hope to come out victorious and with packed boxes.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Gettin' Domestic on ya

The Perogies de la Stephanie, Voila!
Seal for Time and All Eternity
Mana from Heaven
Leahona and I had joked about giving her daughter some of my extras a few times but in my head I was thinking "why not give her the milk that I pump every morning?" I am what you call the over producer in this area. Example: Rowan sleeps through the night for about 8 hours so by the time I wake up, feed him and then pump I can still get about 5 ounces and I freeze it and that is what I give to Leahona. Enough to give her a couple bottles a day or at least one at night time to keep her full and sleep better. I never realized what a blessing it is to be able to give my own kids a full year of breastfeeding until I saw someone who couldn't do it and my heart went out to her. She just happened to be my best friend and oh so convenient that I have plenty to spare for supplementing. Little Iyla has been recovering and getting over the reflux and sleeping so much better, I think it even helped her chunk up a little.
I get so many thanks for this small gesture that doesn't seem like much to me but I know it means a lot to my friend and her little girl.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Leahona (Pinch, Pinch)

Diet / Me Update

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
That Four Letter Word . . .
Seriously I was so mad! I sat at my computer and started to crave chocolate or ice cream and it was so bad! Because I was mad my body was trying to get me to eat something sugary for comfort. It got to the point where I went into the kitchen and got me a healthy snack, Pretzel sticks and a fat free chocolate pudding cup, which didn't really help I mostly got mad at the pretzel sticks like they were hindering my eating something sugary. I tried the pudding cup thinking oh man its chocolate so it's got to help squelch this craving. Nope it wasn't enough apparently to make it go away. Needless to say though I resisted the urge. My mom said it takes a few days until the cravings start going away but somehow I think its going to be more then that. C'est La Vie, I'll just keep on keepin on, wish me luck.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
First Smiles . . . So Flippin Cute!

I had a good day
Friday, January 9, 2009
Puddle Jumping
Friday, January 2, 2009
Rowan Pics (also known as Mommy + Camera = Stalkerazzi)
My sister in law pointed out in her last blog how its interesting how when we were teenagers there was no internet, or personal home computers (I know when dinosaurs romed the earth). I remember when we first got the computer and internet and that it had a timer on it because you paid for time not just the connection. We would get a warning that you have 15 mins before the internet would turn itself off. That has totally changed and pictures are all digital but the biggest problem we have is we don't develop any just keep adding and keeping them on the computer and sending them to people over the internet to keep people updated. I need to join a scrapbooking group that meets from my ward and get that taken care of as a goal we'll see if it happens. I've already started adding so many pics of Rowan and Gavin to our collection.

The Last pic was taken today so you can see the how chunky he is now.