Sunday, December 21, 2008
It doesn't show signs of stopping...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Two boys, no time or energy ugh!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Welcome Rowan! (Labor story and pics)
So that was my max size, I felt huge but I'm so glad that I took these because pregnancy is so beautiful and I can show him later how I looked when I was pregnant with him. I wish now that I had some done with Gavin but I have some regular belly pics with him. Now on to my labor story. I woke up at 3:45am on Thursday December 4th and needed to go to the bathroom. I made it to the bathroom and almost to the toilet when SPLOOSH my water broke on the floor! I have been told and read that this only happens to about 15% of women so I couldn't believe it had happened! I called to Spencer that my water had broken and it was time. He woke out of a stupor and was all groggy and didn't believe me at first. We packed up what we needed of toiletries and the bag for Gavin and took him to my parent's house and headed to the hospital. All the while my contractions started to get worse and worse. When we arrived at the hospital I was checked and I was at 3 cms. They got me all set up in a room and I walked for about an hour in the halls. We came back to the room and I listened to music and danced some. I decided they were getting pretty painful so I wanted to get into the tub and see if it helped. It was lovely! Finally probably 3 or 4 hours later at about 9:00am the nurse came and checked me and I was at a 5 1/2 cm and decided I wanted to stay in bed and rest and watch tv. As the hours passed I asked Spencer when he thought the baby would be born and he predicted noonish. I progressed really fast, about a cm an hour and was in a good about of pain by 11:15am when the doctor arrived with his resident Dr. Nauft. Now I forgot to mention I had the best Nurse EVER! She told me when she first arrived that she would only listen to what I wanted and no matter what she would do what I wanted. At this point I was about 9 cms and almost dilated and in a lot of pain, the doctors wanted to check me with the next contraction and Tyrra my nurse said I wasn't ready and she'd let them know when I was ready to be checked. A couple more contractions and I guess my voice changed and she said I was ready. It hurt so much but luckily for me I had 5 minute breaks til the very end of everything so it was bareable. I can't say I didn't ask for the drugs in my IV but it was too late and they couldn't give me any. At that point I was ready to push and it didn't take long to get him out. 4 pushes and my beautiful boy was here! 7 lbs 12 ozs at 11:58am so Spencer was almost dead on for time. He is quite fair, blonde hair and we're unsure of his eye color but they are lighter then Gavin's ever were. Here's some pics from the hospital and since he was born. Welcome Baby Rowan!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Mild Contractions and Talking progress
Gavin is making some good progress with his talking, thanks to a lot in part because of Austen and Tanner, his older cousins and Thomas the Tank Engine. He copies the boys all the time and is picking up lots of words and sentences and then he watches Thomas once a day and memorizes a lot of what they say, it makes me laugh because when he's playing with his trains he narrates his own stories and its fun to listen to. I took a video of him singing along to his favorite song in the video "The Great Discovery." I get these songs in my head and it just about drives me nuts but he's happy so I am too. I was sitting here checking my e'mail and Gavin was over by the tv wanting something, I asked him what he needed and he said "Mommy, watch Thomas Please" which shocked me and my mom has talked to a speech therapist at the school she works at and they said 3 word sentences at 3 is good so it encourages me a lot. Here's the video, he doesn't quite know all the words but sings along anyway lol. Enjoy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Am I next yet?

Saturday, November 1, 2008
5 weeks and counting!
So tomorrow is technically 6 weeks but I go by this ticker that shows 5 weeks 6 days. I plan to go natural and into labor on my own this time so I am probably going to go overdue but I am counting down just the same in hopes that shortly after Thanksgiving the Turkey and Pumpkin Pie will fatten him up enough to make him want to come out (perfect bribery in my opinion). That's the lovely unpredictability of having a child. When I told my friend about bribing him with Turkey she said "Wow the mental image for that is astounding . . . . You holding a turkey leg ummm . . . . well . . . .down there and calling for Rowan to come get the Turkey leg" The places people's minds go lol.
Halloween was pretty fun, Gavin is starting to get the hang of the trick or treating thing with help from his older cousins who are his greatest example of how to do things. He dressed as a plump spider and had his spider bucket in tow. We headed out at 6:00ish and walked around the block and around the neighborhood. I dunno if its just because I'm pregnant and my two year old already has a hard enough time with getting scared of clowns let alone anything else but I couldn't believe the stupidity of grown ADULTS! There was a man handing out candy at his house and thought it funny to wear this gruesome "phantom of the opera" type mask with blood. Of course Gavin turns tail and doesn't want to go near him, I said to him could you take your mask off so he can see you're not scary and he wouldn't do it! So I grabbed the candy from him, gave him a dirty look and left. The worst offender though was this house where a woman answered the door with two dogs so we were all distracted by the smallest (about the size of a rat) I accidentally stepped on it at one point. Well I was so distracted that I didn't see her son stick his head out the door with a horrible skeleton mask with big fangs until Gavin screamed bloody murder and clung to my legs. I was about ready to sock this kid until his mom did it for me and told him there is a little guy out here don't be dumb. Halloween and being scared when you know its fake is all good and dandy but when there is little kids that think its real, I think its terribly inapropriate and wish people would tone it down for the little ones. Luckily for us Gavin is resilient and didn't have nightmares. Sadly I didn't realize my camera's battery was dieing when we got to my parent's house so pictures will have to be sent to me and posted at a later time. Watch for updates. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tag I guess I'm it?!
Ok TAG, Mom, Chelsea M, and Jenny B you're it!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ahhh the joys of hormones . . .
So I decided to read my mom's blog (warning incoming tear fest from me). It doesn't take much on my mom's blog to get me crying, same with my sister in law Shelley's bless their hearts. But get this, my mom's latest blog isn't even cry worthy, in fact its quite cute and funny, and what am I doing? Blubbering like my closest friend has died or something. What the hey? I would say I'm past tired and so ready to be done with crazy hormones. I think that's why Spencer ran away to his friend's house because he needed a break from the overflowing emotions I am dealing with lol. I find myself wining so much lately about every ache and pain and I started crying earlier and apologizing to Spencer for my wining because nobody should have to listen to me 24/7 and he does without complaint, what a good man I've got.
Its amazing to me what us women have to go through to have a baby, not to single myself out but my situation especially just makes me apreciate my babies so much more I think. I usually tell people that "my children are pains in my butt, literally" because of the shots I have to have in my butt until I'm out of the first trimester. I'm sure others have it a whole lot worse but it kind of sucks. My mom said this baby boy is going to be bigger I think, which I think is the truth, I don't really remember Gavin taking up every inch of my stomach like Rowan has, in that case maybe the natural aproach just won't be happening, we'll see how I feel when it comes to being in labor. I am the QUEEN of hormones though, just ask my sisters. You know when you grow up with 3 sisters and when asked who's the worst PMSer they all point a finger at me that its pretty bad, I even say I am too, which is funny because personally I think I am the most mellow when I'm pregnant, my hormones seem to be fully balanced and mood swings are less then when I'm not pregnant . . . . so so sad. My sister's favorite example of this is when I was a teenager and was having a particularly hormonal day, I think Erin or Shannon told a blonde joke and I exploded at them, it wasn't meant to be pointed at me but I took total offense and started crying. I blubbered "nobody ever tells a brunette joke about you, why do they always tell blonde jokes about me?" They stopped me and said look at what you're doing Stephanie, and I started laughing and then I got mad and then back to crying. It was your classic crazy multiple personality mood swings. To this day I can never live that down. But I am tired, like a lot of moms out there that are either about to have a new baby or have a new one it makes it very hard to sleep. Once he is out I am sure I will sleep a little bit more comfortably but not really much more then I am at the moment. I guess I need to start getting used to it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pumpkin patch . . . Apple cider = Bees!
Spencer felt the need to compare the size of my belly to a pumpkin lol, I'm not that big!

Gavin Falling Asleep

8 Month Pregnant and feeling huge!
Trying to convince Gavin the little pumpkin is cool and he should take his picture with it

Spencer makes a final attempt but Gavin is fed up and ready for his nap. Poor guy!
First thing out of his mouth . . . .
Newest phrases learned from Thomas the Tank Engine:
*Ready? Set! Go!
*Toot Toot (many variations)
*What are you doing Thomas? Followed by OH NO!
*Re-enacting Thomas getting stuck in the snow and Terrence the tractor engine coming to save him. Very comical and accurate.
*Its a Thomas
*Look out Percy!
*Oh Sorry
*Thomas you alright?
*Duncan please help Thomas (newly heard this morning from the kitchen)
I'm sure there are more but they are mixed with Gavinese and sometimes I have to listen really hard to hear these, he's coming along though and we hope he catches up talking.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
New Obsession Yay!
How the discovery of trains started:
We decided to go on a date night to the movies and my parents watched Gavin for the evening. When we came to pick him up he was sitting with Auntie Shannon watching Thomas and was so enthralled. Every day since then, when we went to their house he'd find a Thomas and make train whistle noises and sit for a long time playing with just trains. My sister said "you need to get that kid some trains, look at him!" My mom being the awesome Grandma that she is has a "Grandma Closet" and went searching to see what she could find and found a brand new train named Murdoch that he has preceded to take everywhere with him since he got it. We went to Costco the same day and I searched for anything Thomas and lo and behold! They just came out with a new 60 min video "Thomas and the Great Discovery" can you guess how many times we've watched this movie so far? I stopped counting. So we are starting to slowly feed his love for Thomas and trains because hey, there could be worse things to get obsessed with, at least this is educational.
Interesting facts about Thomas:
I used to watch Thomas when I was younger, that's how long its been on and it was called Shining Time Station for the purposes of the American version when I watched it. There was usually in the beginning a scene with real people in it and eventually some kids would call upon "Mister Conductor" which was a tiny little conductor from the island of Sodor who would precede to tell a story about Thomas and his friends. The list of men who have played "Mister Conductor" include the original which was Ringo Starr and George Carlin, after the station part of the show went away the Narrator of the stories has also included Alec Baldwin and now in the new movie is Pierce Brosnan. Included in the original cast and regulars of Shining Time Station were Didi Conn (also known as the original Frenchie from the Grease Movie), Lloyd Bridges (actor and father to Jeff and Beau Bridges), Rachel Miner (ex wife of actor McCauley Calkin) and the list goes on. Its interesting the small roles that actors take before they are super famous or are already famous and just want to take the role.
Thank you Auntie Shannon for your use of trains and everything to go with them, I am sure we will have a lot of train talk in this house for a while and I'm having another boy so I'm also pretty sure at one point he'll be in love with it too.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ouch my ribs!
This pregnancy in comparison to Gavin's has gone super fast, in fact I can't believe I will only have 70 days on Sunday. With Gavin I was pregnant for like 2 years after the 3 miscarriages and his pregnancy added together so I was SO ready for him to come, I needed the end result after all that pain. This baby I don't feel as rushed and its going so fast. My cousin just had her baby a month early and I got a bit jealous but at the same time I think I can wait (I say this now but take my word for it toward the end I will be singing another tune) I want to go into labor on my own so I have a feeling I will be waiting a while. I was induced with Gavin and didn't like the experience of it and he probably couldn't "cooked" for longer after I saw he was only 7 lbs 3 ozs. I feel really reflective tonight probably because things have changed in the past few weeks drastically and it won't be long til I have two boys to take care of. My boys.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Job
Ok so I'm going to put this in writing and whoever reads this (if anyone does) needs to hold me to it because I have had the worst attitude in the past about it. I am going to get my license before this baby comes. I know I've said it for the past what? 5 or 6 years but I need to. Spencer is going to be working 12 hour days at this new job and I don't think I could stand staying at home that long by myself without being able to go somewhere. I have less than 11 weeks to do this so I'm on a time crunch before this baby gets here so bug me about it til I do it please!!!!
Ok with that said, I hope this goal actually happens. Deiter F. Uchtdorf in his talk at the Relief Society Broadcast said that some people's struggles are the fear of failure . . . . that's pretty much me every time I think about taking the driving test but I know I have to get over it and do it and will be so much happier when I do. Wish me luck in this goal.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fireproof "that one little part"
The other night they wanted to see this new movie that came out called Fireproof. Lets just say the title is very apropriate for a lot of things right now for me. We didn't have the money to pay for the movie and didn't have childcare for our son while we went to the movie if we did have the money. They offered to pay for our admission and we asked my mom and dad to watch Gavin while we went and I am so glad we did. I didn't realize when we went to it that it was a christian movie that they were showing in a regular theater and both showings at our time slot were full to the brim. Now how's that for showing the christian support? My thought on that is wow how amazing that a movie with a good message and no swearing, crude humor, fornication, sex, drugs, violence would sell out on the first night it was showing.
In these the last days that's all there is. Its a reminder to me of a talk someone gave when I was back in young women's and I was at Youth Conference. I believe it was titled "That one little part" I can't remember who spoke but they talked about how movies nowadays are good except for that one little part that is slipped in and how it was equated to Satan, he doesn't come out and blatantly say do this horrible bad thing all at once, he slips it into our every day things until we justify "Oh its just that one little part the rest was good" when in reality its like taking salt and pepper and dumping salt into a bowl and then mixing the tiniest bit of pepper in, how many of us can get the pepper totally out of the salt? Without great processing and long hours of sitting picking every bit out its nearly impossible! Its the same way with that "one little part" it enters our thoughts and can not be taken out until we work so hard and repent and try to replace it with something else until finally we are clean again. I know with me I've even had this thought and told people "wow that was a great movie but they could've left out that one little part" I think I even said it the other day when I was watching the movie Speed Racer when we rented it. It was such a good movie for kids and funny and amazing special effects but that one little part they added that could've been left out and it wouldn't have to PG was the language. They added words that could've just been left out and the movie would've been just as good but someone felt the need to make it rated PG and added that in.
Anywho back to the movie, it was a movie about a fire fighter that was so consumed with work and how he got respect from that and not from his wife and it was going to cost him his marriage because he wasn't putting his whole heart into it and caring about what she needed. His dad gives him what he calls the "Love Dare" where he sends him this book that has him do things for his wife and himself for 40 days and take one at a time until hopefully by the end it will help him keep his marriage. Only problem was that the man didn't include the Lord in the process at first and about halfway his wife has asked him for a divorce and he finally realizes that he can't do it alone. He is talking to his dad on one of their many meetings and walks and they come across this cross in the woods that they use for a bible camp. This part of the movie really hit me hard because I had never thought of anything this way til now. He says to his dad, "Dad I've tried all that the book says, I bought her flowers, said kind words or nothing at all, made her dinner, cleaned the house, tried to show her how much I love her and want this to work and she all but spits in my face with her words and her actions how can I love someone who spits in my face? How am I supposed to keep trying and do this when she says she doesn't love me and treats me like this? And the father is standing right next to the cross and says "Well there is someone else that loves us that was willing to be spit on, insulted, tortured and die for our sins and no matter what anyone did to him he continued to love us, you need to follow in his example and ask for forgiveness from the Lord before any of this is going to work. How are you expecting her to forgive you when you haven't asked him to forgive you?" It was such a strong message to me. I felt the spirit so strong at that moment and of course the man started to include the Lord in his process, no longer did it matter whether she responded physically but that he felt what he was doing was pleasing to the Lord. He was talking with a friend at one point about religion and how he was this great firefighter and felt fireproof but when it came to this relationship he didn't know how to fix it totally and his friend said "being fireproof doesn't mean that you're immune to fire and don't get burned it just means that when the fire comes you will be strong enough to withstand it." So many good messages in the movie, kind of a chick flick but still good nonetheless. I wish there was more people willing to make a movie with such good messages and no "little part" in it that makes it not worth going to. I enjoyed this so much and the opportunity to spend time with good friends and share in the spirit of the Lord while still being entertained on a Friday night.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
We have been so blessed!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Nothing like a sick kid....

We Need Some Prayers Please!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Crazy Animals . . . . .Grrrr.
On a lighter note my friend sent me this e'mail and it made me laugh so hard. For those of you who have been pregnant and have kids this will make you chuckle because if you didn't feel this way you are very rare. Check this out:
A letter written by a pregnant woman to all NON pregnant people:
Dear NON pregnant person:
I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. If you are thinking, surely she doesn't mean me- then you should probably read this twice.
1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is "Congratulations!" with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you a big fat jerk!
2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase "my baby".
3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it.
4) The body of a pregnant women should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.
5) Likewise, no women wants to hear comments on her weight... ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is "You look fabulous!".
6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes.
7) There is a reason that tickets to Labor & Delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, Mother in law or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents.
8 ) Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital and the parents home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to "help out". If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it.
9) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.
10) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Gift Cards!
Outfit #2
Sunday, September 7, 2008
MMmmmmm Butt Bread!

The Testosterone Levels Have Reached Max Capacity!
I looked over at Spencer and he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream with this glazed over look in his eyes. I said to him "Hey honey? Are you enjoying listening to our girlie fest?" The reaction had us busting up, the basics of it was "Well, at this point to make this whole thing more girlie we'd have to be watching Steel Magnolias and crying while painting each other's toenails. If there was any more estrogen in my house at the moment I think my "manhood" would shrink up into my body and I'd grow boobs and a vagina" He was wishing he could just be a fly on the wall instead of the only man in the room.
It was a refreshing change to what usually goes on in our house. Most of the time Gavin and Spencer are on the floor wrestling or Spencer and his two buddies are playing shoot em up games with the volume too high and I'm hiding in my bedroom watching chick flicks by myself. Thank you ladies I needed a little bit of estrogen in my house for once.
The Progress of Baby Number 2 so far

Around 3 1/2 months

4 months
5 months (halfway point)
5 1/2 months

6 months
7 months

8 months (well close to it)

Saturday, September 6, 2008
The First of Many Blogs
Ok Quick Background
With Gavin my beautiful 2 1/2 year old son, we had troubles, BIG troubles getting pregnant and I ended up losing 3 pregnancies to miscarriage early on before finally getting a doctor who knew what was wrong with me. Dr. Moruzzi, an amazing fertility specialist as soon as he saw me knew I had a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which in a nutshell makes it absolutely impossible to get pregnant without medication and a lot of intervention from a doctor (I know what you're thinking, makes trying so much more fun right?). I don't ovulate or get a cycle on my own so yeah how to get pregnant otherwise? Medication! What I affectionately call the "Multiple Personality" Pills lets just call them. With Gavin and subsequent pregnancies they worked great. When it came time to start trying again we went back on the clomid and for some reason it didn't work. I seemed to be ovulating but it just didn't take. 4 months of clomid and I was just about ready to lose it! My doctor said the next step was doing artificial insemination in combination with the clomid, not an appealing alternative for me and especially for my husband Spencer but we were willing to try it if it meant I could get pregnant again. On Spencer 30th birthday (January 11th) well we did it (he says he made it with a cup but we won't go into that lol) Happy Birthday to you honey! Not very pleasant and I hope I never have to do that again, everything looked great and it didn't work....*sad face.* At this point I was so depressed and sick of all the intervention that we gave up on it. I stopped going to the doctor and stopped all the medication which was a good thing cuz I was really depressed and kind of lost myself. I started to feel better even though we weren't able to get pregnant but my sanity was slowly making its way back. A couple months later toward the end of March my grandmother had made a trip down to Abbotsford to visit family and I decided that Gavin and I should go up and see her because it had been a while and I missed her, so we went up with my parents because Spencer was working.
Ok so the next part deserves its own paragraph because I tend to make run on sentences and forget puncuation so I should probably not make it all one great big paragraph.
On one of the days we were up in Abbotsford everyone had decided to congregate at my Uncle Bob and Aunt Shan's house to visit with them and Grandma was there. We were eating lunch of pizza and enjoying each other's company. For those of you who know my son, he's totally a 2 year old and anything with buttons he can't leave alone. My aunt Shan has a fandangly fridge with buttons galore and unbeknownst to me he had discovered it and it was not childproof. My mom kept trying to get my attention but of course I was trying to socialize and didn't hear her the first couple times (or tuned her out sorry mom) finally she got my attention and told me that Gavin was pressing the buttons and I needed to get him away but because I had heard her the first few times and was for some reason getting mad about being bothered I for some reason just blew up. I yelled "Mom I heard you, leave it alone" at the top of my lungs and everyone went silent. My grandmother preceded to yell at me to not talk to my mother that way and that hers was dead and that she wishes she had her mother etc. etc. while the rest of the family was still in shock like "what's her problem?" I at the same time didn't realize why I had done it and just thought it was weird that I flew off like that. We enjoyed our stay in Abbotsford and a few days later went home.
Like usual every month (I should have stock in pregnancy tests, I'd be rich) my cycle came late. Every month I take a test, every month its negative . . . I wait and "Aunt Flow" usually appears a couple days later and I move on like every month. I went to the bathroom, did the test and didn't even want to look at it because I knew it was going to be negative so I walked away. I set the timer and then when I came back it had already turned positive and I let out a loud scream. Spencer came running like I had seen a spider and was ready to squish it. He sat in the doorway puzzled while I held up the triumphant stick and yelled "We're Pregnant!" and immediately I started crying. Understand, this has never happened where I get pregnant on my own. It just doesn't, I've come to deal with the fact that to have babies I have to take medication and go through rigorous tests to get my little ones. I couldn't believe it I was in shock and then immediately I was like "Spencer where's the phone? I need to call my mom!" I called her and could barely get the news out to my mom. All I heard on the other end was "NO WAY!" or at least that's all I remember. I called my best friend and we both cried. The rest is history, we found out that Gavin will have a little brother in December and we've decided to call him Rowan Spencer Beard, Spencer wants a Junior but I said no so this is as close as he gets. I am in my 6th month and enjoying every kick and organ shove even though everyone around me hears me complain about how uncomfortable or tired I am I really am enjoying it, REALLY! This pregnancy has been a lot harder then Gavin's because his was a breeze but that's alright. My sister Erin said "I think with each baby heavenly father changes the difficulty, if they were all easy we'd have 20 children and so making them different difficulties helps us decide how many are up there waiting for us." Onward and upward as they say, enjoy.