Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rowan speaks! News Reports This as a Record in the Beard House. . .

I've been trying to capture this on video for a while but as soon as Rowan sees me he stops and knows he's going to get fed so I grabbed the camera this morning and just stuck it in the bassinet and so that's why his face is half cut off and it's really dark because I couldn't see the view finder and if I tried he'd stop because he saw me. Rowan has been doing this every time he's hungry since he was about 3 months old, he instantly took to saying Mama over and over until he gets fed. We think we're going to have an early talker on our hands which is kind of foreign seeing as Gavin didn't really speak english until well 3 months ago or so. We'll see though, they say the second takes to things faster then the first because they watch their older sibling/siblings and copy so here's hoping. I could use an early talker after the frustration of trying to figure out what Gavin was saying in "Gavinese" lol.

1 comment:

finding_ac said...

well i wonder if he has beat isabella so far...when did she start talking?? if rowan beat isabella you could be MONDO PROUD, cause we all know she is WAAAAY advanced...