Friday, October 24, 2008

Ahhh the joys of hormones . . .

I'm sitting here by myself and Gavin is napping. Spencer has the day off and went over to a buddy's house to hang out for a bit and I'm so fricken tired! You know how when you're tired you get that either really giddy past tired laugh or even the everything makes you cry thing? I think I'm there. It may help that I'm 8 months pregnant and the combination is lethal when it comes to emotionally holding it together.

So I decided to read my mom's blog (warning incoming tear fest from me). It doesn't take much on my mom's blog to get me crying, same with my sister in law Shelley's bless their hearts. But get this, my mom's latest blog isn't even cry worthy, in fact its quite cute and funny, and what am I doing? Blubbering like my closest friend has died or something. What the hey? I would say I'm past tired and so ready to be done with crazy hormones. I think that's why Spencer ran away to his friend's house because he needed a break from the overflowing emotions I am dealing with lol. I find myself wining so much lately about every ache and pain and I started crying earlier and apologizing to Spencer for my wining because nobody should have to listen to me 24/7 and he does without complaint, what a good man I've got.

Its amazing to me what us women have to go through to have a baby, not to single myself out but my situation especially just makes me apreciate my babies so much more I think. I usually tell people that "my children are pains in my butt, literally" because of the shots I have to have in my butt until I'm out of the first trimester. I'm sure others have it a whole lot worse but it kind of sucks. My mom said this baby boy is going to be bigger I think, which I think is the truth, I don't really remember Gavin taking up every inch of my stomach like Rowan has, in that case maybe the natural aproach just won't be happening, we'll see how I feel when it comes to being in labor. I am the QUEEN of hormones though, just ask my sisters. You know when you grow up with 3 sisters and when asked who's the worst PMSer they all point a finger at me that its pretty bad, I even say I am too, which is funny because personally I think I am the most mellow when I'm pregnant, my hormones seem to be fully balanced and mood swings are less then when I'm not pregnant . . . . so so sad. My sister's favorite example of this is when I was a teenager and was having a particularly hormonal day, I think Erin or Shannon told a blonde joke and I exploded at them, it wasn't meant to be pointed at me but I took total offense and started crying. I blubbered "nobody ever tells a brunette joke about you, why do they always tell blonde jokes about me?" They stopped me and said look at what you're doing Stephanie, and I started laughing and then I got mad and then back to crying. It was your classic crazy multiple personality mood swings. To this day I can never live that down. But I am tired, like a lot of moms out there that are either about to have a new baby or have a new one it makes it very hard to sleep. Once he is out I am sure I will sleep a little bit more comfortably but not really much more then I am at the moment. I guess I need to start getting used to it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

goDon't be so hard on yourself sweetie ...all moms have been where you are(except for Tegan lol) and know exactly what you are talking about...I remember the end of my pregnancy with Chelsea...lying in the bath tub crying uncontrolably and telling Heavenly Father that I just couldn't do this again,..hence Chelsea is our last so all is good...don't be too hard on yourself...