Tuesday, April 14, 2009

All Aboard the Complain Train!

Ok so my older sister who's in a similar situation as I had a pity party the other day and today is turning out to be my turn. I am starting to pack for the big move in about 11 days and have yet to get to a box in my home. Seems like as soon as I start something the baby starts crying (he's teething really badly), Gavin needs to go potty every 5 mins and my brain and heart just isn't in it plus with no help from my husband it just seems so insurmountable by myself. I know I need to! This is the way my moves go every time, I leave it to last minute and when everyone comes to help us move, I'm scrambling to pack small things into boxes and it ends up taking all day long the day of the move to get everything over to the new place. We determined this time that we are going to rent a Uhaul which will help time wise with the move, now to just get the motivation. I slept like crap last night, I have been stressing which doesn't help with that. Did I mention my 4 month old is teething really bad and doesn't want me to put him down? Sometimes you just gotta let him cry is the comments I am going to get I know but when you're trying to think and concentrate on the task at hand the background music of a screaming baby gets my nerves and hackles up. It makes it hard to keep your cool.

I had my good cry and boarded the complain train now I feel better, time to take a breath and plunge in, wish me luck! I hope to come out victorious and with packed boxes.


Jenny said...

So sorry to hear about your sucky situation! You should get the young women to come do a service project for you or something. Although, I have to admit I'm much too much of a control freak to ever do that!
I don't have any of your obstacles in the way of my packing; I'm just not motivated at all.
I'm sure Evan comes home and is like, "What did you do all day?"
Are you moving to another complex in Lacey?

Bearded Lady said...

Yeah, we're just moving to a little fourplex not far from where we are currently living but it has a nice garage and is close to two parks in walking distance so I'm looking forward to letting Gavin loose more often then I do now. I just hate the moving part when I'm doing it mostly by myself and with the kids nothing happens.

finding_ac said...

i helped that one day and have been trying to sneak "swimming" in as an excuse to help you again..but sometimes you are hard to trick...lol